22 March 2012 |
What counts as ‘evidence’? The complexities of providing evidence to inform public policy
6 April 2012 |
Defining the breadline. Is there a Northern Ireland consensus?
3 May 2012 |
Young people’s attitudes to peace walls in Belfast
10 May 2012 |
The life-course, age and intergenerational relations (rescheduled for 25th May)
17 May 2012 |
Supported and Substitute Decision Making under Mental Capacity Legislation: a review of the international evidence
31 May 2012 |
Addressing the educational underachievement of children in care
7 June 2012 |
Improving court work skills in child care proceedings
14 June 2012 |
Institutional stigma and the delivery of methadone maintenance: A comparison of clients’ experiences from North/South Ireland
21 June 2012 |
Older people’s perceptions of elder abuse: Implications for policy and professional practice
28 June 2012 |
Health in all Policies
5 July 2012 |
Understandings of well-being: Implications for public policy