Assessing the risks of economic inequality; the impact on societal wellbeing and economic development

Dr Nat O’Connor (Ulster) Economic inequality is rising in the developed world and influential research has found major risks to economic growth and population health; including OECD reports, IMF working papers, Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century and the UK’s ‘Marmot Review’. Nobel economist Robert Shiller has called it “The most important problem that we are … Read more

Child Welfare Inequalities

Dr Lisa Bunting, Dr Gavin Davidson and Claire McCartan (QUB) Child welfare systems in the UK are under profound stress because of growing demand and the current squeeze of austerity; they are expensive but provide a crucial investment in our children’s future; and protecting children’s safety and development is a core function of the state. … Read more

People with Intellectual Disabilities: Promoting Health, Addressing Inequality

Dr Laurence Taggart and Dr Wendy Cousins (Ulster) There are approximately 32,600 people with intellectual disabilities (also known as ‘learning disabilities’) living in Northern Ireland. This is a higher proportion of our population than other regions in the United Kingdom. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) recognises that persons … Read more