Role of digital health wearables in the wellbeing and quality of life of older people and carers
Professor Shailey Minocha, Dr Ana-Despina Tudor, Dr Duncan Banks, Dr Caroline Holland and Ms Catherine McNulty (OU), Mr Rohit Ail (Samsung UK), Mrs Jane Palmer (Age UK Milton Keynes) and Mrs Sue Bowering (Carers MK) – The number of adults aged 65 and over has increased by 2% across Europe in the past 15 years, and in Northern Ireland by

Technologies for care – the imperative for upskilling carers
Dr Verina Waights (OU), Prof Panos Bamidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Ms Rosa Almeida (Fundacion Intras, Spain) – Ageing populations, coupled with increasing retirement ages and lower ratios of workers to retirees, are negatively impacting health and social care. Currently, 11.8% of Northern Ireland (NI) residents are carers, but it is predicted that by 2025 the number of

The Cohesiveness of Technology in Later Life: Findings from the Technology In Later Life (TILL) Project
Dr Hannah R. Marston (OU), Dr Shannon Freeman (University of Northern British Columbia, Canada), Dr Rebecca Genoe (University of Regina, Canada), Dr Cory Kulcyzki (University of Regina, Canada) and Dr Charles Musselwhite (Swansea University) – Statistics show Northern Ireland (NI) ageing population (65+ years) has increased between 1974 (11.2%) to 2014 (15.5%). Estimated projections suggest this will reach 24.7% by