The Societal Effects of Sport in Northern Ireland: Examining Marginalisation and Mental Health Issues
Dr David Hassan (Ulster) This presentation will examine a range of societal effects of participation in sport, with a particular emphasis on improving mental health. It will build on a joint ministerial initiative promoting positive mental health in rural communities through sport, which was launched in March 2013. The presentation will also outline a range of current initiatives taking place both in urban and rural settings throughout Northern Ireland in which sporting and community bodies seek to engage marginalised youth (and others) through sport. Date of seminar: 6 March 2014. See also: Policy Briefing Presentation

Driving as a Public Health Problem
Professor Lindsay Prior (QUB) Young drivers have high injury rates and, as a result, high insurance premiums. Few interventions have been effective in reducing crash rates among young drivers, but restrictions introduced in other parts of the world such as Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) have been shown to be effective. To address the young driver crash problem, Northern Ireland is planning changes to driver training and testing, including a passenger restriction which is regarded as a key element of GDL, from 2014. GDL aims to reduce young driver crash rates by reducing exposure to high risk conditions, such as carrying

The importance of doing regular physical activity to health, society and the economy: Time for a major re-think
Dr Mark Tully and Dr Ruth Hunter (QUB) It is estimated that physical inactivity is responsible for 6 –10% of deaths, at a cost to the NHS of £1.06 billion/year and so the potential public health dividend of increasing physical activity in the population is substantial. Recent data for Northern Ireland show that over 60% of adults are not meeting current recommendations. Previous initiatives have had only modest effects, with maintained changes in physical activity behaviour being difficult to achieve. Thus a major re-think in our approach is required. This presentation will highlight the impact of rising levels of physical