Using the planning system to secure health and well-being benefits
Prof Geraint Ellis (QUB) The Northern Ireland planning system is now primarily seen as a mechanism for coordinating and facilitating development, with the aim of delivering opportunities for economic growth. However, in managing our built environment, it also plays a major – but often unseen – role in shaping peoples’ lives by creating (or constraining) a wide range of issues that can influence health, well-being, poverty and inequality. This includes a powerful influence over access to local services, work and housing, while having a very direct impact on the form of local environments and housing standards that can affect air

Enhancing the effectiveness of planning enforcement in Northern Ireland
Dr Stephen McKay (QUB) The Northern Ireland planning system has witnessed major reform in 2015, with key responsibilities being transferred to new local authorities. There are far-reaching consequences of this relating to the future management of development and the production of a new generation of area plans. This will also have an impact on arrangements and capabilities for how unauthorised development is monitored and controlled through the process of planning enforcement. This presentation reflects on past performance of planning enforcement in Northern Ireland and assesses the robustness of this in relation to the new arrangements for planning. The presentation explores