Beyond Article 8: The European Convention on Human Rights and Abortion in Cases of Fatal Foetal Abnormality and Sexual Crime
Dr Kathryn McNeilly (QUB) In November 2015 the Northern Ireland High Court determined prohibition of abortion in Northern Ireland in cases of fatal foetal abnormality and sexual crime incompatible with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This Article upholds the right to private and family life. While this was the only Article found to be violated by

Morality policy under the lens – evidence based policy making on abortion versus myth-usage
Dr Fiona Bloomer (Ulster) and Dr Claire Pierson (Manchester Metropolitan University) This paper considers global trends in abortion policy using the framework of morality policy. The authors will explain how the controversy over abortion policy restricts legal reform, resulting in legislative lacunae and non-decision making. Using evidence from a British Academy funded analysis of debates in the Northern Ireland Assembly

Tensions in Abortion law and policy, and effects on women
Dr Lesley Hoggart, (OU) and Prof Sally Sheldon (Kent University) This presentation will focus on the tensions between the legal and policy framework for abortion, and women’s abortion experiences, throughout the UK. First, we will report on a mixed methods study into different aspects of young women’s experiences (aged 16-24) of one or more unintended pregnancies ending in abortion in