Young People, Mental Health and Modern Media
Prof Sarah Edge (Ulster), Dr Helen Jackson (Ulster) & Dr Caroline O’Sullivan (DKIT) – This presentation is based on research that used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to identify the rise in bullying, anxiety, body image and mental health issues for young people within the UK and Ireland, and uses evidence from the findings of #StatusOfMind, May 2017 report commissioned

Supported decision making – experiences, approaches and preferences
Dr Gavin Davidson, Dr Berni Kelly and Dr Lorna Montgomery (QUB) – Making decisions about your own life is a key aspect of independence, freedom and human rights. Mental health law has previously allowed compulsory intervention even when a person has the decision making ability to decline intervention. This discriminates against those with mental health problems and intellectual disabilities. In

Mental health, self-harm and suicide in university students in Northern Ireland
Prof Siobhan O’Neill, Ms Margaret McLafferty, Ms Coral Lapsley and Dr Elaine Murray (Ulster) – Suicidal behaviour and mental health problems are increasingly common among college students and the rates appear to be increasing globally. The Ulster University Student Wellbeing Study, was conducted as part of the WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project initiative. The study assessed