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Modernising Adult Social Care in Northern Ireland

Dr Joe Duffy, Dr Gavin Davidson (QUB), Dr Subhajit Basu (Leeds University) and Prof Katherine Pearson (Penn State University)

This seminar presentation will focus on the key findings from research this team published for the Commissioner for Older People Northern Ireland (COPNI) in June 2015, the full report can be accessed here. One of the innovative recommendations from this research for modernising adult social care was that Northern Ireland should consider the introduction of a Preventative/Support Visit for all older people once they reach the age of 75. The Preventative Visit is legally mandated in Denmark through the Consolidation Act on Social Services (2013) where, in Section 79a of this Act, this is described as follows: “The municipal council shall offer preventive home visits to all citizens who have attained the age of 75 and are residents of the municipality. The municipal council shall offer at least one annual preventive home visit.” (Part 14, Section 79a, Consolidation Act no.1093 of 5 September 2013). Furthermore, it is noted that: “the Preventive Visit has been introduced after several randomised controlled trial studies proved this service cost-efficient in that it reduces the risk of becoming hospitalised or admitted to a nursing home, and proved to have a positive effect on mortality” (Rostgaard, 2012:78). The focus of this visit is on needs assessment and helping continue planning for sustained independent living (Schulz, 2010). The introduction of this scheme to Northern Ireland would, therefore, align with the theme of prevention underpinning Transforming Your Care (2011). This seminar will explore this initiative in more detail.

Date of seminar: 10 May 2017.

Policy Briefing