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To Keep a Person in Their Own Wee Corner: An Exploration of the Roles, Responsibilities and Services Provided by Home Helps and Domiciliary Care Workers in a Large Health and Social Care Trust

Dr Kevin Moore (Ulster)

Worldwide demographic trends indicate an expansion in the older person population and an increasing need for home-based social care provision. At the same time a number of factors impact on the ability of family members to provide informal care; and there is expected to be a reduction in the numbers of young adults available for employment in support roles. These changes will have a direct impact on the nature and type of services provided by primary health care teams, and home care services. This presentation will focus on findings of recent research looking at the roles and responsibilities of home helps, domiciliary care workers and community care assistants, and makes recommendations for future service planning and home care provision. The role of the home care worker is an extremely important and interconnected one to effective health and social care within the community.  The research evidence shows a work force that is motivated by altruism and a person-centred caring ethos. Workers value the importance of their role, but there exists a disconnect between valuing of the role and it’s recognition within the wider Health and Social Care context.

Date of seminar: 6 February 2014.

See also:
Policy Briefing